The geography of Ahmednagar District comprises various land forms. There are hilly off-shoots of the Sahyadris in the western part of he district. They are called Kalsubai, Adula, Baleshwar and Harishchandragad hill ranges. Kalsubai, the highest peak in the Sahyadris, lies in Ahmednagar district. Harishchandragad, Ratangad, Kulang and Ajuba are some other peaks in the district. We see the Vita ghat on the way to Randha falls and the Chandanpuri ghat on the Pune-Sangamner road. In the northern part of the district, plains are found along the banks of the rivers Godavari and Pravara and the southern part, along the rivers Bhima, Ghod and Sina.
The different land forms in a region constitute its physical setup. If we consider the physical setup of Ahmednagar district we see that there are three physical divisions:
- Western Hilly Region
- Central Plateau Region
- The region of northern and southern plains
Western Hilly Region: Akole taluka and of Sangamner taluka are included in this region. The hill ranges of Adula, Baleshwar and Harishchandragad lie in this region and various high peaks are found in the same region. Kalsubai of height of 5427 feet, the highest peak in the Sahyadris, lies in this Region.
Central Plateau Region: Parner and Ahmednagar talukas and parts of Sangamner, Shrigonde and Karjat talukas are included in this region.
Region of Northern and Southern Plains: This region includes northern Kopargaon, Rahata, Shrirampur, Rahuri, Newasa, Shevgaon and Pathardi talukas. This is the region of the Godavari and the Pravara river basins. Parts of the southern talukas of Shrigonda, Karjat, Jamkhed are also included in this physical division. This region covers basins of the Ghod, Bhima and the Sina rivers.
Climate of Ahmednagar
The climate of the district is hot and dry. Major part of the city experiences hot summer and dryness all through out the year except during south-west monsoon season. The period from March to the first week of June is the hot season. It is followed by the south- west monsoon season which lasts till the end of September. October and November constitute the post-monsoon or the retreating southwest.
The latitude and longitude of Ahmadnagar
Latitude: 19.083333 (19° 5' 0" N)
Longitude: 74.733333 (74° 44' 0" E)
Longitude: 74.733333 (74° 44' 0" E)
Rivers in Ahmednagar District
Dams/Projects in Ahmednagar District